Bruce Magnotti is a restoration contractor and has won numerous local, and regional awards, and national recognition for his restoration of many Washington homes and commercial buildings. His most recent project is the the purchase of the Old Ellensburg Hospital built in 1918 which housed the Washington State Archives from the time the hospital relocated until Central Washington University decided to sell the building in 1999. He also restored the Shoudy Mansion; a historic Queen Anne Victorian home built by the founder of Ellensburg, John Shoudy, for his wife Mary Ellen in 1892. His last project, the brick commercial building known as the Busby Blacksmith Shop, was the first in Kittitas County to qualify as a historic restoration by the National Parks Service and the first to qualify for federal and county tax advantages for historic restoration in the county.

Bruce has been awarded the following:

May 1999 – The Historic Ellensburg Landscape & Garden Award For The Shoudy House Gardens
May 2002 – The Historic Ellensburg Successful Adaptive Use Award For 306 West Fifth Avenue
December 2002 – U.S. Department of the Interior National Parks Service Certification of Rehabilitation For the Busby Blacksmith Building
December 2002 – City of Ellensburg Landmarks and Design approval of the first Special Valuation in Kittitas County
May 2003 – The Historic Ellensburg Rehabilitation Award For the Busby Blacksmith Building
May 2003 – City of Ellensburg Landmarks & Design Award For Interior Design of 415 & 421 North Main Street

To email Bruce CLICK HERE

Or call his Seattle Cell at 206.724.1977



Copyright © 2008 Bruce Magnotti, Email, Seattle, Washington

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